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2022-10-04 16:56:56 2159

摘要:相约生态东营 畅享河海风情2022东营市旅游发展大会开幕杨国强宣布开幕 陈必昌王春生致辞王晓军刘美华丁艺出席9月29日,2022东营市旅游发展大会开幕式举行。市委书记杨国强出席并宣布大会开幕,市委副书记、市长陈必昌,省文化和旅游厅二级巡视员...

相约生态东营 畅享河海风情


杨国强宣布开幕 陈必昌王春生致辞







市委常委、宣传部部长于红波主持开幕式,山东文旅集团有限公司党委委员、副总经理孙超,副市长王秀凤出席。部分文旅专家,市部分金融机构,省市文旅企业、行业协会负责人,沿黄城市文化和旅游局局长等参加开幕式。(记者:文/王俊杰 图/于中平)

Enjoying Unique Customs and Charming Scenery along the River and Sea in Ecological Dongying - the Tourism Development Conference of Dongying 2022 Kicked off in Dongying

On September 29th, the Opening Ceremony of Tourism Development Conference of Dongying 2022 was held in Dongying. Yang Guoqiang, Secretary of CPC Dongying Municipal Committee, declared the opening of the Conference. Chen Bichang, Deputy Secretary of CPC Dongying Municipal Committee and Mayor of Dongying City, and Wang Chunsheng, Second-class Inspector of Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, attended and gave speeches. Among other attendees were Wang Xiaojun, Director-General of the Standing Committee of Dongying Municipal People’s Congress, Liu Meihua, Chairperson of CPPCC Dongying Municipal Committee, and Ding Yi, Deputy Party Secretary and General Manager of Shandong Culture and Tourism Group Co., Ltd.

Chen Bichang extended a warm welcome to all the guests on behalf of CPC Dongying Municipal Committee and Dongying Municipal People’s Government. As he noted, Dongying is a picturesque ecological tourism city with unique characteristics, a diversified and open cultural tourism city with profound history, and an energetic resort city with vast territory and abundant resources. The CPC Dongying Municipal Committee and Dongying Municipal People’s Government have always given priority to the development of culture and tourism in Dongying, and endeavored to lay a spatial pattern comprising the Yellow River Estuary National Park, New Modern Cultural and Tourism City, the Landscape Corridor of the Yellow River Estuary, and the New Coastal Scenic Belt, sparing no efforts to build Dongying into the national first-tier resort city, a global tourism demonstration area, and a regional gateway tourism city featuring the Yellow River culture. Dongying welcomes colleagues and friends in the cultural tourism circle for inspection, negotiation, investment and doing business here. It is our aspiration that more talents and resources would be introduced to Dongying.

In his address, Wang Chunsheng emphasized that the CPC Dongying Municipal Committee and Dongying Municipal People’s Government have always attached significant importance to culture and tourism, and endeavored to constantly facilitate the cultural and tourism development of Dongying from the perspective of future-oriented positioning and global planning. Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism will keep supporting the high-quality development of the tourism industry in Dongying, and help to build Dongying into a new modern cultural and tourism city.

Ding Yi noted that Shandong Culture and Tourism Group Co., Ltd. will further deepen the cooperation with Dongying City in culture and tourism, actively participate in the construction of such projects as the Yellow River Estuary National Park, Intelligent Tourism System Development, and the Yellow River Culture Museum, thus supporting and serving Dongying’s efforts in building itself into a high-level modern city.

At the opening ceremony, contracts were signed for 11 key cultural tourism projects, and the special financial support initiative for cultural tourism industry was officially launched. During the Conference, leaders and guests will visit the Yellow River Culture Museum, the Yellow River Estuary Ecological Scenic Area, the Red Beach Wetland Scenic Area, Zhiqing Town, etc.

Presided over by Yu Hongbo, member of the Standing Committee and Director of the Publicity Department of CPC Dongying Municipal Committee, the opening ceremony was attended by Sun Chao, member of the CPC Committee and Deputy General Manager of Shandong Culture and Tourism Group Co., Ltd., Wang Xiufeng, Vice Mayor of Dongying City, some cultural tourism experts, leaders of some financial institutions in Dongying, cultural tourism enterprises and industrial associations from Shandong Province and Dongying City, as well as directors of the cultural and tourism bureaus of cities along the Yellow River.


Source: Dongying Daily


Translated by Petrostar


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